How to hold your managers accountable for their High-Performance Coaching

The first step to holding your first and second-line managers accountable for their coaching is to get a Coaching Portal in place which has a Coaching Tracker and Coaching Survey (find out about our Coaching Portal here). This will give you the visibility of the quantity and quality of coaching your managers are giving their teams.

However, this isn’t enough. Your managers need to be held accountable for providing their teams with the coaching required to hit their targets.


The Problem You’ve Got

What you pay attention to your managers take action on. Unfortunately, in some of the contact centres and branch networks we’ve helped, the Senior Leader responsible hasn’t taken the time to hold their second-line managers accountable for giving first-line managers enough coaching. When that’s happened, either they didn’t get the performance improvements they were wanting, or the improvements they’d achieved with a High-Performance Coaching System slipped away.

Without accountability, that’s to be expected. Many first and second-line managers soon revert to their old ways, and stop giving their teams the coaching they need.


The Solution

We’ve found regular One-on-Ones to be essential for holding second-line managers accountable for their coaching.

We’ve discovered that these need to be held at least fortnightly, and weekly where second-line managers aren’t consistently doing the coaching they need to, or their first-line managers aren’t.

These meetings also provide you the opportunity to recognise their good work, and the positive impact on the business. Call centre based research has found positive recognition from a senior manager can increase performance by over 51% (Grant & Gino, 2010).


What’s your goal today?

1. If you’d like help to hit your targets, claim your FREE Strategy Session. During this free consultation, one of our experts will discuss your situation. Based on this, they will recommend a strategy to help you hit your targets and look like a hero.

2. If you’d like to learn about High-Performance Coaching for free, go to our “Free Resources” page, where you can get download resources to help you start increasing performance today.

3. Contact us. We help Senior Leaders across Australasia, Asia-Pacific and North America (in Pacific, Mountain and Central Time), so get in touch!


Grant, A.M., & Gino, F. (2010). A little thanks goes a long way: Explaining why gratitude expressions motivate prosocial behaviour. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(6), 946-955.